
Never DIY These 5 HVAC Repairs

HVAC systems are durable yet highly fragile equipment that only experts with the right experience and equipment should service. Doing the job yourself might give you pride in getting your hands dirty and productive, but DIY repairs can deal danger to yourself and to the unit itself. In this blog post, local heating and air conditioning expert Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating takes a look at five HVAC procedures that you should never ever DIY under any circumstances.

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Your HVAC Maintenance Resolutions for 2024

As we usher in a new year, it’s time to consider how we can improve our comfort and wellness within our homes. A major component of our daily comfort is our heating and air conditioning system. To ensure it functions optimally year-round, here are some resolutions you may want to adopt for 2024.

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Ways to Cool a Windowless Room

Some people have rooms in their homes that don’t have windows. Cooling is a common challenge for these areas, especially when temperatures outside are high. Windows help cool spaces down by providing ventilation and airflow, contributing to your indoor comfort. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can cool down a room without windows. 

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How to Choose the Right Type of Heating System

Choosing the right heating and air conditioning system for your house can be a daunting task. Don’t worry, because in this short guide, we’ll discuss the most common heating systems and hopefully, find one that best suits you and your home’s needs. Read more

Beat the Summer Heat With These HVAC Tips

Summer is here and so is the summer heat. For most of us, it’s the time for vacations, holidays, and trips to the beaches, mountains, lakes, or wherever you want to experience the peak of nature’s favorite season. Summer also means our air conditioning units will be working extra hard to provide our sun-weary bodies a cool and comfortable relaxation. Read more

Household Substances That Make Your Indoor Air Toxic

Your indoor air quality plays a big part in determining the health of your family. When the air you breathe is contaminated, the buildup of poisonous and harmful substances in your body can make you and your loved ones sick.

Different Types of Air Conditioning and Cooling Systems

Unlike heating, air conditioning is a much more complicated process. This is because instead of using energy to generate heat, air conditioning units use energy to take heat away. Common air conditioners often make use of compression cycles to extract heat from your home and channel it outdoors. Read more